Secured Grants
Below is a list of Grants with their description we have secured for clients. Review the list and if any of these are in line with your organization, please contact us to see how we can assist you in accessing these funds.

Violence Against Women Act
A 1-Year Grant with a variable award amount. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Recovery Act Program provides assistance in developing and strengthening effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to combat violent crimes against women and to develop and strengthen victim services in such cases.

Victims of Crimes Act
A 1-Year Grant with a variable award amount. The Victims of Crimes Act (VOCA) provides services and assistance directly to victims of crime to speed their recovery and aid them through the criminal justice process. Services may include the following: 1) responding to the emotional and physical needs of crime victims; 2) assisting victims in stabilizing their lives after victimization; 3) assisting victims to understand and participate in the criminal justice system; and 4) providing victims with safety and security.

Juvenile Justice Delinquency
A 1-Year Grant with a variable award amount. The Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Program provides support programs that prevent violence in and around schools and to improve the juvenile justice system and develop effective education, training, prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs in the area of juvenile delinquency.

Dual Credit – Equipment Only Grant
A 1-Year Grant with an award amount of $50,000-$225,000. The Dual Credit – Equipment Only grant is funded in an effort to respond to industry demands for skilled workers in technical fields. The grant allows high school students to enroll in post-secondary classes, while simultaneously completing high school coursework. This provides students the ability to get a jumpstart on their education or career goals as they earn credits toward a degree or professional credential while still in school.

Jobs and Education for Texans (JET)
A 1-Year Grant with an award amount of $50,000-$350,000. The JET Program provides grants to defray the start-up costs associated with developing career and technical education programs. The JET provides potential economic returns through: 1) Supporting new, emerging industries or high-demand occupations; and 2) Offering new or expanded dual credit career and technical educational opportunities in public high schools.

21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC)
A 5-Year Grant with a $50,000-$1,800,000 award amount per year. The purpose of the Texas 21st CCLC Grant Program is to provide opportunities beyond the regular school day for communities to establish or expand activities in learning centers that: provide opportunities for academic enrichment; offer students a broad array of additional services, programs, and activities which are designed to reinforce and compliment the regular academic program; and offer families of students served by community learning centers opportunities for literacy and related educational development.

Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
A 1-Year Grant with a variable award amount. The Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Program provides support programs that prevent violence in and around schools and to improve the juvenile justice system. The program helps develop effective education, training, prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs in the area of juvenile delinquency.

Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP)
A multi-year grant with awards ranging up to 9 million dollars. The NFP is designed to replicate a model nurse home-visiting program targeted on first-time mothers living in poverty. The program provides first-time moms with valuable knowledge and support throughout their pregnancy and until their babies reach two years of age. Partnering first-time moms with caring nurse home visitors empowers mothers to confidently create a better life for their children and themselves.